When currency trading, you are always trade in pairs - a pair of currencies. We are buying the currency and selling another currency. Given for each currency code of three characters, which is used in the forex prices. The most commonly traded currencies ( "Aliasah Currency") is USD (US dollars), EUR (the euro), GBP (Pound United Kingdom), AUD (Australian dollars), JPY (Japanese yen), CHF (Swiss francs), CAD ( Canadian dollars), NZD (New Zealand dollars). It referred to as foreign exchange rates through Forex prices in the form of pairs of currencies. The most traded currency pairs are: the euro and the US dollar (EUR / USD), the US dollar and the Japanese yen (USD / JPY), the US dollar and the Swiss franc (USD / CHF), the pound sterling and the US dollar (GBP / USD).

For example, you can buy a pound to the dollar, expecting that sterling will increase in value relative to the dollar. If there has been a rise in the pound against the dollar, sell the center and make a profit.

When the pricing of currency pairs, the first currency is considered as the base currency and the second is the counter or quote currency offer. The base currency is always equal to 1 monetary unit of exchange, for example, of $ 1.1 lbs 0.1 euros. Currency Al Qaeda (Basic) prevailing are, in order of frequency, the euro, pound sterling, and US dollar. When the pricing currency against the US dollar so-called direct price. Referred to any currency is not against the US dollar as the currency of hyper (crossover).